Just a one-off experiment, really. 

7 verses... all in the 5-7-5 syllable style that I grew up with: 


Crisply beginning
My dinner of new haiku
With gleaming palate.

Though a jaunty chap
I'll write about misery 
Like it or loathe it.

Don't show me pity
And don't say "Don't Be So Blue"
My griefs are my own.

Quite therapeutic 
For my filthy, hopeful mind.
I'll write it all out! 

Title of my book?
"Anxiety: Cruel Mistress." 
Really? Not so good?

You see to yourself.
I'll enjoy self-absorption.
Don't piss on my chips. 

I have heard it said
Brevity's the soul of wit
So I think I'm done.


      1. Wow that’s a rich heritage — have you done all the research? When I did mine it was fascinating. [Scots/Irish/Italian and a few more.] I’ve distant cousins who live in Canada but have sadly never been.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Nice late nite-experiment :)) but 7-8hrs of sleep is a #MUST

    LOVE this: Don’t show me pity
    And don’t say “Don’t Be So Blue”
    My griefs are my own.

    Oh, and never been in Canada too..but I want/planning to go πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It probably nice, but very cold there :))) I had no dreams about living in other places. I was kinda pragmatic child (mostly bcz my mum wouldn’t allow me anything else/or to dream/anyway) : studying- job – family.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m sorry your mum was so narrow in her thinking [in my opinion]… I believe that dreamers have to dream… and think big. πŸ™‚
        I always had dreams of living back in Scotland as I got older — I hear that Canada’s quite like Scotland, only bigger. πŸ˜‰


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