Strawberry cider? 
Well, it's nearly the weekend... 
Happy smiles all round. 

I worry about 
My chums, who are unhappy
Can't remove their pain.

What I can do, though 
Is tell them I understand. 
Friends, they share the load. 

And in the meantime
I'm here in the pub garden
Not happy, nor sad.

So I raise my glass 
Here's to fun, and Scrumpy Sue!
She lived her life right.




  1. Tequila with a lime or a good bourbon with a beer chaser (and keep them coming) are closer to my nearest and dearests ideas of a pain relieving Friday evening. Still, good company and a lot of laughs are what they are really there for after a long dull and dreary week. Here though it’s not nearly time for that. I’ll raise my…mug (of morning coffee) and wish you and your friends a wonderful weekend. 🙂

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